Certified Canine Nutritionist Kayla Kowalski Talks All Things Raw
Certified Canine Nutritionist Kayla Kowalski not only creates custom diets for dogs, but she also feeds and recommends We Feed Raw. We recently sat down with her to learn more about her, her experience feeding raw dog food, and what tips she has for pet parents who are new to feeding a raw diet for dogs.

Why Did You Decide to Become a Certified Canine Nutritionist?
I started researching raw diets after I rescued my German Shepherd, Rudy, running down a busy road. I quickly noticed that he suffered from several health issues that are commonly found in dogs who eat kibble, and I realized it was time for a change.
My strong beliefs in holistic health led me to the raw diet community. Through a raw diet, I was able to make my dogs, Rudy, Rylie, and Buddy, as strong and healthy as possible.
I wanted to be able to help more dogs live healthier lives just like my dogs. This led me to study and graduate from Companion Animal Sciences Institute.

Why Do You Recommend a Raw Diet for Dogs?
Dogs are biologically designed to thrive off of raw food, just like wolves. Dogs and wolves share more than 99% of the same DNA. Dogs have highly acidic stomachs, digestive enzymes, natural flora, and bile to process raw food.
1 out of 2 dogs who eat “standard” diets, such as kibble and similar options, instead of raw, will become overweight and suffer from cancer. Cancer feeds on sugary, starchy foods, like kibble.
Properly balanced, raw diets decrease the risk of cancer and decrease unnecessary fat while increasing muscle mass. The average dog lives 10-13 years. Switching your dog to a raw diet could potentially increase their lifespan by 3 years.

Why Do You Recommend We Feed Raw?
We Feed Raw's meals come in individual packs right to your door to make it as easy as possible to upgrade your dog's diet. My dogs love all of the different recipes, and as a canine nutritionist, I've seen firsthand how beneficial this food is for dogs of all sizes and ages.
What Other Feeding Tips Do You Have for Pet Parents?
Go slow. You don’t need to switch your dog’s diet in 1 day. It’s healthier to transition your dog’s diet by gradually decreasing their old food and replacing it with their new food. This helps to avoid digestive issues as it gives your dog’s body time to adjust.

What Is Your Favorite Tip to Give Pet Parents Who Are New to Raw?
Start simple! All it takes is 1 or 2 items in your kitchen, whether it’s an egg, ground beef, or a few blueberries.

What Is Your Favorite Raw Transformation Story?
I helped the sweetest German Shepherd named Bella transition to a raw diet after struggling with severe allergies and other health issues for years.
Her owner, Rachel, tried all kinds of expensive medications, medicated baths weekly, and supplements, but nothing was working for her. It was so hard for Rachel to watch Bella suffer, and it got to the point where she barely had any hair on her ears and had sores all over her legs and paws. She would even be at the vet monthly with ear infections.
After Rachel and I switched Bella to a raw diet, Bella’s allergy symptoms got immensely better in just a couple of months. Her fur grew back, and now she is healthier than ever and she hasn’t been to the vet with an issue since!

Complete & balanced raw meals.
Portioned out, packaged up, and cold-shipped (for FREE!).