Can Dogs Eat Tuna? A Comprehensive Guide for Pet Owners.
Have you ever been in the middle of preparing your dinner and wondered: “Can dogs eat tuna fish?” While fish are generally healthy for dogs because they’re rich in beneficial fatty acids, tuna can be high in mercury, making an answer to the question, “Can a dog eat tuna?” a bit complicated.
Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about feeding tuna to your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Tuna: The Short Answer
In short, a little bite of tuna now and then is unlikely to harm your dog, but you shouldn’t make tuna a significant protein source for your dog since the large fish tends to be high in the heavy metal mercury, which can build up in your pup’s system and eventually poison them.
What Happens When Dogs Eat Tuna?
Did your dog sneak some tuna, and now you’re worried about what could happen to them? The good news is that your dog will likely benefit from the fish and probably won’t suffer any harm.

Can Dogs Eat Tuna? Benefits of Tuna for Dogs
Tuna, in small amounts, is great for dogs since it’s rich in:
•Vitamin B3
•Vitamin B6
•Vitamin B12
•Omega-3 fatty acids

Can a Dog Eat Tuna? Risks of Tuna for Dogs
Unfortunately, tuna (being high in the food chain) is rather high in mercury and may poison your dog if they eat a lot of it. Symptoms of mercury poisoning include:
•Loss of feeling in paws
•Nervousness or anxiety
•Vision problems
•Kidney damage (abdominal swelling, inability to urinate)
•Bloody or watery diarrhea
•Loss of coordination
•Vomiting blood
•Hair loss

Is All Tuna Safe For Dogs?
Different species of tuna typically contain different levels of mercury.
•Canned light tuna contains the lowest mercury levels and is the safest to feed your dog if you plan to give it regularly (although you still shouldn’t feed it to your dog more than once or twice a week).
•Frozen, fresh, or canned yellowfin and white albacore tuna have slightly higher levels of mercury than canned light tuna and would be an OK snack for most dogs every once in a while (however, it shouldn’t be given to puppies or dogs who are pregnant or nursing).
•Bigeye tuna, the most common tuna for sushi and sashimi, contains the highest mercury levels and is not recommended for dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Can Tuna?
While a dog shouldn’t eat an entire can of tuna, some canned tuna is safe for dogs as long as you don’t feed it more than once or twice a week. You should also avoid giving your dog tuna that has been canned in oil, as the oil can affect your dog’s digestive system.
Can Dogs Eat Canned Tuna in Water?
Yes, canned tuna in water is the safest way to feed your dog tuna. You can give your dog canned tuna in water as often as once or twice a week without it negatively affecting your pup.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Tuna?
Since the type of tuna that’s most commonly eaten raw also tends to contain the highest levels of mercury, you should avoid giving your dog raw tuna. If you do choose to feed your dog raw tuna as a rare treat, you should freeze it for at least a week first to kill any parasites that may lurk in the meat.
Can Dogs Eat Tuna Fish Sandwiches?
Tuna fish sandwiches typically contain mayonnaise, which is hard for dogs to digest, and may contain onions or other ingredients that may be toxic for dogs. Additionally, the carbs in bread can contribute to obesity in dogs. So no, dogs should not eat tuna fish sandwiches.

When Is Tuna Bad for Dogs?
Tuna is bad for dogs when it’s:
•In large quantities
•Fed more than once or twice a week
•Fed raw (especially if it hasn’t been frozen for at least a week first)
•Canned in oil
•Covered in spices
•Mixed with other ingredients (like mayo or onions)

What To Do If Your Dog Eats Tuna
If your dog sneaks a bit of tuna, there is likely nothing to worry about unless it’s mixed with other ingredients. If your dog starts experiencing diarrhea, vision loss, hair loss, or symptoms of neurological problems, take them to the vet.
How to Serve Tuna to Your Dog
A little bit of tuna canned in water can make an excellent occasional food topper or hand-fed treat. You could also feed your dog part of a tuna steak that you have deboned and steamed, baked, or grilled without any salt or seasonings.

Healthier Fish Alternatives For Dogs
Typically, smaller (wild-caught) fish are safer for dogs to eat than tuna since they have lower mercury levels and less risk of parasites. Some excellent fish for dogs include:
Other Alternatives to Tuna for Dogs
To sum up, a little bit of tuna now and then is unlikely to hurt your dog, but it shouldn’t be a regular part of their diet. On the other hand, our raw meat, organ, and bone blends are exceptionally healthy for dogs and can be fed as a topper or alone as part of a complete and balanced meal.
Learn more about We Feed Raw here.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What happens if a dog eats a lot of tuna?
If a dog eats a lot of tuna, they may develop mercury poisoning. Symptoms of mercury toxicity in dogs include:
•Loss of feeling in paws
•Nervousness or anxiety
•Vision problems
•Kidney damage (abdominal swelling, inability to urinate)
•Bloody or watery diarrhea
•Loss of coordination
•Vomiting blood
•Hair loss

Can a diet of tuna harm dogs?
While some tuna now and then is not harmful to dogs, a diet rich in tuna could cause mercury poisoning. Smaller fish that are lower in the food chain contain less mercury and are healthier for dogs than tuna.
Can I give my dog canned tuna in water?
Yes, canned tuna in water is safe for dogs as long as it’s fed in small amounts. For example, a large dog could consume as much as one can of tuna over the course of a week, but they shouldn’t eat a whole can of tuna every day.

What types of tuna are safe for dogs to consume?
The safest type of tuna for dogs is canned light tuna. Cooked tuna can be safe for dogs in small amounts as long as it isn’t fried at all or covered in or mixed with ingredients that can be harmful to dogs, like onions or mayonnaise.
How can I safely incorporate tuna into my dog's diet?
One of the best ways to safely incorporate tuna into your dog’s diet is to give them a small bite any time you open a can of tuna for your own meal, as long as it’s not more often than once or twice a week.

What alternatives are there to feeding tuna to my dog?
Smaller fish that are lower on the food chain than tuna will contain less mercury and are therefore better choices for dogs. Some great fish for dogs include:
Can Dogs Eat Tuna in Water?
Yes, dogs can eat tuna in water in small amounts, no more than once or twice a week.
Can Dogs Eat Tuna Canned in Olive Oil?
No, dogs should not eat tuna that has been canned in olive oil because the added oil can make them sick. Canned tuna in water is a better choice for dogs.

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