Can Dogs Eat Oatmeal? Learn the Facts
Can dogs eat oatmeal? Oatmeal for dogs is a bit of a complicated topic. While dogs can eat cooked oatmeal, dogs don’t need any carbohydrates and can’t digest raw oats. Additionally, oatmeal may contain glyphosate and other toxins.
Here’s what you need to know about oatmeal for dogs.
Understanding Oatmeal for Dogs
Let’s look at the pros and cons of oatmeal for dogs.
What Is Oatmeal?
Oatmeal consists of cooked oats, which are a cereal grain rich in protein, fiber, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin B1. There are several different types of oats ranging from the least-processed (whole oats or oat groats) to the most-processed (instant oats). Being the least processed, whole oats are the healthiest option for dogs.
Is Oatmeal Good for Dogs?
While dogs don’t require any carbohydrates in their diet, an occasional oatmeal snack may provide some benefits for dogs, including:
•Rich in soluble fiber
•Low in gluten
•Contains zinc, manganese, iron, and some B vitamins
•May act as a nerve tonic
•Lowers cholesterol
•Can be used topically to soothe irritated or dry skin
Is Oatmeal Bad for Dogs?
Oats are frequently covered in glyphosate, which has been connected to various health problems, such as:
•Behavioral or cognitive issues
•Digestive problems
•Destroyed good gut bacteria
•Kidney or liver damage
•Endocrine disruption
In addition, carbohydrates like oatmeal may contribute to obesity in dogs, which is associated with various health conditions like diabetes and cancer.
The Great Debate: Can Dogs Eat Oatmeal?
In short, dogs can eat small amounts of oatmeal every now and then as long as it has been made with water rather than milk and doesn’t contain any salt, sugar, raisins, chocolate, or artificial sweeteners. However, the risks associated with glyphosate consumption may not be worth any potential benefits your dog may experience from eating oatmeal.
If you choose to feed your dog oatmeal, choose organic oats to limit the amount of glyphosate your dog gets exposed to.
Concerns about Glyphosate in Oats
Glyphosate is the primary ingredient in the weed killer Roundup, and it’s commonly sprayed on oats before harvest to help them dry out. It’s one of the most widely used herbicides in the United States, and dogs have been shown to have glyphosate levels 30 times higher than in humans.
Exposure to glyphosate has been linked with numerous health issues in people and dogs, including cancer, leaky gut, and kidney, liver, and heart disease.
Genetically Modified Oats
There are no genetically modified oats grown in the United States. The most common genetically modified food crops in the US are sugar beets, canola, soybeans, and corn.
Benefits of Oatmeal for Dogs
While dogs don’t need any carbohydrates in their diet, and oatmeal is frequently contaminated with glyphosate, oatmeal may have some potential benefits for dogs, including that it’s rich in soluble fiber and contains antioxidants.
Preparing Oatmeal for Dogs
If you choose to make oatmeal for your dog, you should bring 2 cups of water and 1 cup of oats to a boil on medium-high heat while stirring once in a while. Then, reduce the heat and simmer for at least 10-15 minutes. Let the oatmeal cool, and don’t add any extras before serving it to your pup.
As far as portions go, remember that no more than 10% of your dog’s daily diet should come from oatmeal or other treats or snacks that aren’t part of their regular diet. ¼ to ½ a cup of oatmeal once in a while is more than enough for most dogs.
Allergic Reactions and Dietary Restrictions
While oats are not one of the most common dog food allergens, that doesn’t mean it’s safe for all dogs. Some dogs may be allergic to oatmeal or should avoid it as part of a low-carb diet. If you have any questions about whether your dog can eat oatmeal, consult your veterinarian.
Beyond Oatmeal for Dogs: Is Raw Dog Food Good?
You’re researching oatmeal for dogs because you want to feed your dog the very best. You might even be under the impression that dogs need grains in their diet to avoid dilated cardiomyopathy (hint: they don’t). The truth is that dogs thrive best on a raw meat-based diet rather than carb-heavy kibble.
We Feed Raw has 6 nutritionally complete and balanced recipes that dogs adore. Formulated by a PhD animal nutritionist, our food meets AAFCO nutrition standards for dogs of all life stages, including the growth of large-breed puppies.
Are you worried about raw dog food making your pup or your family sick? We Feed Raw uses a cold-pressure process to inactivate potential pathogens, making it safe for dogs and people alike.
Take our quiz now to see how much it would cost to start your dog on the life-changing benefits of a species-appropriate raw diet.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is oatmeal beneficial for my dog's health?
While oatmeal may offer some benefits to dogs, it has many potential downsides. Oatmeal is frequently contaminated with glyphosate, which can cause cancer. Even organic oatmeal that doesn’t contain glyphosate is high in species-inappropriate carbohydrates. Dogs are better off skipping the oatmeal.
Are oats safe for dogs to consume?
Raw oats are too difficult for dogs to digest. Oatmeal that has been prepared plain without any other ingredients besides oats and water is relatively safe for dogs to eat, apart from the fact that most oats (unless they’re organic) have been contaminated with glyphosate.
Is it okay to feed my dog oatmeal?
If the oatmeal has been prepared plain without salt, sugar, raisins, artificial sweeteners, or other problematic ingredients, you can share some oatmeal with your dog. Small dogs can eat a tablespoon of oatmeal up to twice a week, while larger dogs can eat slightly larger portions.
However, oatmeal that isn’t organic may be contaminated with glyphosate.
Can dogs eat oatmeal cookies?
No, dogs should not eat oatmeal cookies. At best, oatmeal cookies contain sugar, butter, oil, and other ingredients that can contribute to obesity in dogs. At worst, oatmeal cookies may contain toxic raisins, chocolate, or artificial sweeteners.
If you REALLY want to share oatmeal cookies with your pup, make a recipe specifically for dogs, like this one.
Can dogs eat oats?
Dogs can eat oats that have been cooked into oatmeal as long as it was prepared without salt, sugar, raisins, chocolate, artificial sweeteners, or other ingredients that are toxic or harmful to dogs. However, dogs do not need carbohydrates like oatmeal in their diet, and oats are frequently contaminated with potentially harmful levels of glyphosate, so oatmeal should be an occasional treat for your dog rather than a regular part of their diet.

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