Can Dogs Eat Bacon

Can Dogs Eat Bacon? Pet Nutrition Must-Knows

Can dogs eat bacon? As delicious as this salty, fatty, tasty treat is, it isn’t really safe to give your dog more than the occasional teeny tiny bite of bacon, precisely because it is so salty and fatty.

Here’s everything you need to know about sharing bacon and other pork products with your dog.

Risks of Feeding Bacon to Dogs

There are several reasons why you shouldn’t give your dog bacon: it’s salty, fatty, full of preservatives, and may cause your dog digestive upset.

High Salt Content

Part of the reason we humans find bacon to be so delicious is because of the large quantity of salt that’s used to cure the meat. While that much salt isn’t good for us humans, either, it can be especially harmful to dogs. Too much salt could cause increased thirst and urination for a dog at best, and at worst it could trigger life-threatening sodium ion poisoning.

High Fat Content

Bacon is extremely fatty with only some protein and very little other nutrition to make up for it. For dogs, eating too much fat can cause obesity (best-case scenario, which still isn’t good because obesity can shorten a dog’s life by more than two years) or pancreatitis, which can be fatal.

Harmful Additives and Preservatives

The preservatives and additives added to bacon to increase its shelf life can be toxic to dogs in large quantities. Sodium nitrites are especially concerning.

Digestive Upsets

Between the high salt and fat content of bacon and the additives and preservatives, bacon can easily upset a dog’s digestive system. While a small bite of bacon here and there might be OK, a dog who eats a lot of bacon could experience vomiting, diarrhea, gas, or even worse symptoms.

Bacon and its Variants: What's Safe for Dogs?

So dogs shouldn’t eat regular bacon. But can they eat bacon bits? What about turkey bacon? Ham? Keep reading to find out which bacon variants may or may not be safe for dogs to eat.

Can Dogs Eat Bacon Bits?

Since bacon bits have all the same problems as regular bacon plus added preservatives to make them shelf stable, no, dogs should not eat bacon bits. Again, a little bit here and there probably won’t hurt your dog, but in the grand scheme of things, you aren’t doing your dog any favors by feeding them such a fatty, salty, highly processed product.

The Question of Turkey Bacon

Since turkey bacon contains less fat than regular bacon, it is a somewhat better option for dogs. However, even low-sodium uncured turkey bacon is packaged with salty additives, so you’re better off not sharing it with your dog.

Can Dogs Have Raw Bacon?

No, dogs should not eat raw bacon. Cooking bacon removes some of the fat, so raw bacon tends to be even fattier than cooked bacon and may make your pup sick as a result.

Can Dogs Have Bacon Fat?

While a tiny amount of bacon fat likely won’t hurt your dog, it won’t do them any favors, either. If you want to spoil your pup, try giving them a species-appropriate raw diet rather than highly processed bacon fat that could trigger pancreatitis.

Can Dogs Have Pork?

A lean cut of pork is OK for dogs, although pork as a meat is rather fatty to have as a primary part of your dog’s diet. Instead, we recommend a complete and balanced raw diet made from chicken, beef, turkey, lamb, venison, or duck.

Can Dogs Have Ham?

Like bacon, ham is high in fat, salt, sugar, and preservatives, so you should avoid sharing ham with your dog.

What to Do if a Dog Eats Too Much Bacon

If your dog eats a lot of bacon, you may want to contact your veterinarian right away, or you might look out for symptoms such as:

  • •Decreased appetite

  • •Lethargy

  • •Diarrhea

  • •Vomiting

If your dog experiences any of the above symptoms after eating a lot of bacon, you should take your pup to the vet as soon as you can since they may have developed pancreatitis, which can be fatal if left untreated.

Is Bacon Bad for Dogs?

Yes. Since it contains a lot of salt, fat, and preservatives, bacon is bad for dogs. While bacon isn’t toxic for dogs, and a small bite here and there likely won’t hurt your pup, too much bacon can cause numerous health problems, including potentially fatal pancreatitis.

Responsible Pet Ownership: Treating Your Dog Right

You want your dog to live a long, healthy, happy life, which is why you’re wondering: Can dogs eat bacon? And while dogs should not eat bacon, they should be eating a nutritious complete and balanced raw diet like We Feed Raw.

Not only is a raw diet species appropriate for carnivorous dogs (whose digestive tracts are still remarkably similar to those of wolves), but it doesn’t contain obesity-causing carbohydrates the way all kibble and many “gently cooked” diets do.

Our patties are complete and balanced for dogs of all life stages, including the growth of large-breed puppies, and we use a cold-pressure process to inactivate any potential pathogens, making it safe to feed.

Take our quiz now to find out how much it would cost to start your dog on a life-changing raw journey.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can dogs eat bacon bits?

No, dogs should not eat bacon bits since they are full of salt, fat, and preservatives.

Can dogs have bacon?

No, dogs should not eat bacon. While it isn’t toxic, the high levels of salt, fat, and preservatives are problematic and can make your dog sick.

Can dogs have turkey bacon?

Dogs can have small amounts of turkey bacon every now and then, but turkey bacon is also full of salt and preservatives, so you shouldn’t make it a regular part of your dog’s diet.

How fast do dogs digest food?

According to Whole Dog Journal, “Most dogs take 24 hours to digest food, but the time it takes a dog to digest food isn’t based on when he poops.”

Is bacon bad for dogs?

Yes, bacon is bad for dogs because it is so full of fat, salt, and preservatives. While a small bite now and then is probably fine, giving your dog too much bacon could make them extremely sick.

Better Than Bacon: We Feed Raw

Ready to prioritize your dog's health and steer clear of risks associated with processed meats like bacon? We Feed Raw offers a seamless and beneficial alternative to enhance your furry friend's diet and overall well-being. With our balanced raw diet plans, tailored for dogs of all life stages, you can provide your pet with the nutrition they need without the unwanted salt, fat, and preservatives found in bacon.

Take the proactive step towards a healthier lifestyle for your dog by discovering the perfect raw diet plan with us. Visit and join the raw feeding revolution with a diet that is both biologically appropriate and free from harmful additives. Give your dog the gift of optimal health and take our quiz today to find out how you can embark on a fulfilling, raw-focused nutritional journey for your beloved companion!

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