Best Dog Food

Discover the Best Fresh Dog Food for Healthier Pets

The best fresh dog food is not only delicious, but it may help your dog live longer. When you realize that the best fresh food for dogs is a species-appropriate raw diet free of obesity-causing carbohydrates, you open up your dog’s life to a new world of health and wellness you didn’t know was possible.

What is fresh, raw food for dogs? What makes raw the best fresh pet food for dogs? How can you and your dog both benefit from raw dog food delivery? Why is We Feed Raw the best fresh dog food delivery service?

Keep reading for the answers to these questions and more.


Are Dogs Carnivores or Omnivores?

If you look at their teeth, jaws, and digestive tracts, it’s easy to see that dogs are facultative (scavenging) carnivores. While they have some ability to digest plant matter, dogs are still biologically designed to get their nutritional needs met from raw meat rather than plant matter:

  • •Dogs have pointy teeth and jaws that move up and down, which are perfect for ripping and tearing meat. They lack the flat molars and side-to-side jaw motion that omnivores and herbivores have for grinding plant matter as the first stage of digestion.

  • •Dogs have no salivary amylase, which starts the breakdown of carbohydrates in the mouths of omnivores and herbivores.

  • •Dogs have very short digestive tracts, which are perfectly suited for digesting raw meat, as opposed to the very long digestive tracts that omnivores and herbivores require for extracting nutrition out of plant matter.

  • •Dogs share 99.9% of their DNA with carnivorous wolves. In fact, dogs and wolves are technically the same species and can produce viable offspring when they mate together.

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Understanding Fresh Raw Food for Dogs

While your idea of fresh dog food may be “lightly cooked,” a recent study showed that frozen (fresh) raw dog food was more digestible than freeze-dried raw, fresh (mildly cooked), and extruded (kibble) dog foods, making frozen raw truly the best fresh dog food.

Not all raw dog food is created equal, however. Making a DIY raw diet can result in malnutrition or the potential for pathogenic bacteria to infect your pup or your family.

We Feed Raw is nutritionally complete and balanced for dogs of all life stages, including the growth of large-breed puppies, so you never have to worry about whether your dog is getting the right nutrients. Additionally, we use a cold-pressure process to inactivate potential pathogens, making our food safe for your dog and anybody who may come in contact with their tongue or their food bowl.

Dog on a box

Raw Dog Food Delivery: The Modern Solution

Life is too short and too busy to spend time running around town to get dog food. Let us save you some time with our raw dog food delivery service.

When you sign up for a We Feed Raw meal plan, we ask a bunch of questions about your dog to determine their perfect daily dose. You get to choose which recipes your dog will like and how much of their diet you want to be raw.

Then, we cold-ship pre-portioned patties straight to your doorstep on a regular basis, so you never run out of food for your dog. We’ll tell you how much to feed your dog and even how to transition them to raw to reduce the chances of them having tummy trouble. We even remind you before your billing date, making it easy to edit, pause, or cancel your subscription.

Half Kibble Half Raw

Transitioning to Raw Food for Dogs

Whether transitioning from one kibble to another or from kibble to raw, it’s always best to transition your dog from one food to another over the course of about 10 days to reduce the likelihood of stomach upset. If you choose We Feed Raw, we’ll tell you exactly how to make that transition and even offer some handy tips.

Raw Food For Small Dogs

Final Thoughts on Choosing the Best Raw Dog Food

The best fresh dog food is a raw diet that:

  • •Is nutritionally complete and balanced

  • •Contains the right proportions of muscle meat, organ meat, and bone

  • •Is frozen rather than freeze-dried

  • •Uses a kill-step to inactivate potential pathogens

  • •Provides free cold shipping

  • •Is easy to feed

  • •Dogs LOVE

We Feed Raw meets all of these requirements. Learn more about We Feed Raw here.


We Feed Raw Is the Best Fresh Food for Dogs

If you’re ready to start your dog on the best fresh food for dogs, take our quiz here to find out how much We Feed Raw your dog should eat daily, how often we’ll deliver, and how much it will cost.

Still not sure yet? We’re highly rated on Trustpilot, and you can read reviews from real customers here

Questions? Check out our FAQ page here or send an email to

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is considered the best fresh food for dogs?

A frozen raw diet like We Feed Raw is the best fresh food for dogs. Frozen raw is the most digestible type of food for dogs and is most similar to what feral dogs and their wolf cousins eat out in the wild.

Australian Shepherd

How does fresh dog food delivery work?

With the fresh dog food delivery from We Feed Raw, we ask you a bunch of questions about your dog to determine their ideal daily dose of food. Then we cold-ship nutritionally complete and balanced patties to you on a regular basis. You just thaw, portion, and serve.

Why should I consider feeding my dog fresh food?

Fresh dog food is the best diet you can feed your dog and may help them live longer than highly processed kibble because the cooking process for kibble results in the formation of damaging, carcinogenic compounds. We Feed Raw is the natural diet that dogs were meant to eat.

Raw Packet

What should I look for when choosing fresh pet food for dogs?

When choosing fresh pet food for dogs, you should look for one that is:

  • •Nutritionally complete and balanced

  • •Free of potentially harmful pathogens

  • •Easy to feed

  • •Delicious

Raw food for dogs by We Feed Raw

Complete & balanced raw meals.

Portioned out, packaged up, and cold-shipped (for FREE!).