Amazing Dog Rescue Stories: Get Your Tissues Ready
In honor of National Rescue Dog Day, we're highlighting three heartwarming stories of dogs who were given a second chance. In the week leading up to this day, we asked pet parents to share their rescue stories with us via Instagram. We then picked three winners (even though every single dog story was moving and inspiring and did we mention you should get your tissues ready?)
These three winners will be gifted a free month of We Feed Raw meals. It was incredibly hard to pick just three. Believe us when we say we wish we could feed all the dogs, everywhere.
Whether you're the pet parent to a rescue dog, a dog you inherited from a family member, or a dog you got from a breeder, if you're reading this, we know you're probably like us: crazy about dogs. So, warning, while the beginning of each of these stories may make your hearts sink, don't worry, they all have happy endings because of the kind-hearted people who facilitated those happy endings.
Here at We Feed Raw, we often joke that "dogs are the best people," but it turns out some humans are the best people, too. Read on for these amazing rescue stories told in the words of the rescuers themselves.

1) Squid's Rescue Story
"In the middle of quarantine (November 2020), I decided to foster a pup that was in really bad shape. He was clearly neglected and abused. A small local rescue posted a picture of Squid with horribly matted hair and long nails. They said they were in need of an emergency foster.
I decided to foster Squid with no intention of adopting him. I wish I could say that when I met him I knew he was my dog, but in reality, Squid was in horrible shape and really aggressive.
We began to put in WORK. I potty-trained him for the first time, taught him to enjoy his leashed walks, and he tested my patience every time he nipped me. After a few weeks, we started to meet families. We met three families and no one was interested! I think they couldn’t accept the challenge of caring for an abused dog.
The holiday season began, and meeting families slowed down. So I began to slow down with Squid, and one day decided that I would be his new family because I loved how he had changed me for the best.
We have made tremendous progress in the last year and a half. But still have a long way to go. He continues to challenge me every day and I continue to make sure he has a new life and safe home that he enjoys to the fullest!" -@limonkari

2) Nana's Rescue Story
"We live in Massachusetts and had been planning to go visit family in Arizona. A week before we left, we were perusing Petfinder in the Arizona area and stumbled across Nana’s picture. Her mom was a stray who had dug a hole on a Native American reservation and had her puppies. We hadn’t planned on adopting a puppy for another month or two, but Nana stole our hearts right away.
We arranged for the adoption to take place during our trip to Arizona and mentioned our plan to our neighbors. 'There are six more puppies in the litter if you’re interested,' my husband joked. Next thing we know, our neighbors are asking if we’d be willing to bring home a puppy for them too! So in a matter of a week, we went from a low-key family trip to adopting two 8-week-old puppies and snuggling them up under the seat in front of us for a 6-hour flight.
Now Nana and her sister, Naya, live right across the street from each other and play together every day! They love to wrestle and chase each other around. Keeping these sisters together was the cherry on top of a perfect adoption!" -@ladyjzk

3) Hogan's Rescue Story
"On April 8, 2020, I lost my childhood dog who I had loved for 18 years. His name was Rocky and I was absolutely devastated when he passed. I never knew pain so intense. While I always loved dogs, I wasn't ready to get another because I felt I'd be somehow cheating on Rocky.
A little over a year later, I decided to foster a puppy with my sister. It was great! The puppy was adopted immediately and I went on to foster a total of four other hard-to-place, large dogs.
My fourth dog was Hogan. He had been with the rescue for three years, the kind of dog that people would always tell me to stay away from. He was a 60-pound pit bull, dog-aggressive, people-aggressive, everything no person wanted in their home. When he was brought to me, it was like he had no worry in the world. He was walking on sunshine and no one was going to rain on his parade. He knew this was his home; I’m sure of it.
The first night, Hogan made the executive decision to sleep on my bed with me and not on his dog bed. I was terrified because I didn’t know this dog. I didn’t know his triggers. I didn’t know anything, yet I still slept in the bed next to him. Over the next 6 months, I took him to training lessons, pack walks, private sessions, group sessions, I created an Instagram account for him, I posted reels about him, I marketed this dog to help him get adopted like no one’s business. I did everything under the sun to help him recover from his abusive past.
He was my work in progress just as much as I was his. He trusted me blindly, and I honestly believe he knew that I would be his home even before I did.
After thinking about it long and hard, I decided to adopt Hogan on April 9, 2022. April 8th was a day of loss for me, but April 9th was the day I got back up. I love my boys always. I can’t imagine life without Hogan, and I will love him until his last breath. He was the best decision I’ve ever made and I strongly believe we were meant for each other. Why else would he have been adopted twice and brought back? He was always mine." @eve_lynma
If you'd like to do something special to honor this day, we recommend loving your dogs extra hard and donating to a shelter near and dear to our hearts, Austin Pets Alive.

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